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History is a pageant for the purpose of satisfying our curiosity..

Review Questions

vexing, marquee, enterprising, gambrel,atrocious, pageantry, pomp, resplendent, makeshift, awe, propagation, gospel, beneficence, bond, democratic, orchestrate,

1. Explain: (a) men who kept but one table; (b) a big day in the backwoods; (c) Edward arrived with a large entourage; (d) the curse of kings - a democratic spirit; (e) power was effectively concentrated in the hands of a few; (f) Simcoe orchestrated White's election; (g) paltry political skills and minimal friction; (h) engages public attention; (i) government's initiatives; (j) debating society; (k) perilous times; (l) ill-defined border; (m) decapitating their king; (n) dominate life of the colony; (o) great and momentous trusts; (p) pomp and pageantry.

2. Why was Simcoe disappointed in the people's choice of legislators?

3. What was a priority for the first parliament and why was this the case?

4. Simcoe expected compliance from the Assembly after brief discussion. What does this tell you about Simcoe?

5. Simcoe told the Members that 'great and momentous trusts' were assigned to the them. What do you think these were?

6. History is a pageant. Explain how this is relevant to this narrative.

7. For some of the elected legislators, what took precedence over attending the first session?

8. Why did apprehension overhang the little settlement?

9. What was the curse of 'kings and their courts'? Why would this be so?

10.What caused the clash between "the two cultures'?


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